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Text File | 1996-05-23 | 3.9 KB | 177 lines | [TEXT/PJMM] |
- {=================================================}
- {========= GameGlobals, globals for HeartQuest ============}
- {=================================================}
- { Example file for Ingemars Sprite Animation Toolkit. }
- { © Ingemar Ragnemalm 1992 }
- { See doc files for legal terms for using this code. }
- { This file defines the resource numbers and global variables for HeartQuest.}
- unit GameGlobals;
- interface
- uses
- Types, Quickdraw, Windows, Resources, Menus, ToolUtils, {}
- TextUtils,
- {$ENDC}
- SAT;
- const
- { Resource numbers}
- fileMenuRes = 1002; { File menu }
- editMenuRes = 1003; { Edit menu }
- gameMenuRes = 1004; { Race menu }
- highMenuRes = 1005; { Highscores menu }
- aboutAlrt = 1000; { About box }
- helpenemiesAlrt = 1001;{ Pictures of the enemies }
- theHighRes = 263; { highscore window }
- highDlog = 259; { highscore name dialog box }
- { File menu }
- helpenemies = 1;
- quit = 3;
- { Edit menu }
- em_undo = 1;
- em_cut = 3;
- em_copy = 4;
- em_paste = 5;
- { Game menu }
- run = 1;
- sound = 3;
- macho = 5;
- allowBG = 7;
- fastAnimation = 8;
- pause = 10;
- abort = 11;
- { highscore menu }
- showhs = 1;
- clearhs = 3;
- { Game area size: }
- xsize = 512 - 440; {Use offSizeH-xsize!}
- {ysize = 320; {Full height - use offSizeV instead}
- {Number of bonus objects to get a bonus level}
- kBonusLevelTresh = 5;
- { Preference file description - see further scores.p! }
- kPrefsFileName = 'HeartQuest Prefs';
- kPrefCreator = 'AHjD';
- kPrefType = 'pref';
- type
- { EventPtr = ^EventRecord;}
- str15 = string[15];
- featRec = record
- sound: boolean;
- allowBG: boolean;
- plotFast: boolean;
- macho: boolean;
- player: str15;
- end;
- featPtr = ^featRec;
- featHnd = ^featPtr;
- {Indexes for strings}
- const
- aboutStrID = 1;
- anonymousStrID = 2;
- cantfindsysStrID = 3;
- resmissingStrID = 4;
- creatingprefStrID = 5;
- cantcreateresStrID = 6;
- cantopenprefStrID = 7;
- cantcreateprefStrID = 8;
- normalStrID = 9;
- machoStrID = 10;
- scoreStrID = 11;
- bonusStrID = 12;
- levelStrID = 13;
- sureStrID = 14;
- nobodyStrID = 15;
- startgameStrID = 16;
- startlevelStrID = 17;
- pauseStrID = 18;
- resumeStrID = 19;
- nopictStrID = 20;
- noclutStrID = 21;
- nooffscreenStrID = 22;
- pleaseuncheckStrID = 23;
- endStrID = 24;
- okStrID = 25;
- yesStrID = 26;
- noStrID = 27;
- quitStrID = 28;
- memerrStrID = 29;
- noscreenStrID = 30;
- satnopictStrID = 31;
- nowindStrID = 32;
- startbonusStrID = 33;
- loadingStrID = 34;
- var
- theHigh: WindowPtr; { Window ptrs. }
- { Menu handles. There isn't any apple menu here, since TransSkel will}
- { be told to handle it itself.}
- features: featHnd; { Settings record. }
- fileMenu, editMenu, GameMenu, highMenu: MenuHandle;
- { Dummy Boolean. This may be used for Memory Management, if desired }
- dummy: Boolean;
- slask: OSerr;
- level: longint;
- bonus: longint;
- playerPos: point; { Position of player, to make it possible for monsters to aim }
- pauseFlag: boolean;
- {New booleans for deciding when a level is completed, and whether there is a bonus object active or not.}
- levelCompleted, bonusObjectRunning: Boolean;
- {Variables for handling bonus levels. I havn't decided if gotAllBonuses should be used for anything.}
- bonusLevelRunning, gotAllBonuses: Boolean;
- bonusesCollected: integer;
- lastMacho: Boolean; {features^^.macho förra game over}
- lastHigh: Integer; {Platsen för förra highscore}
- fadeTo: RGBColor; {Global color for CLUT fading}
- gAppFile, gPrefFile: Integer; {Resource files}
- function MyGetIndString (index: integer): Str255;
- implementation
- {I know, it's ugly to have a routine in the globals file, but this is needed just}
- {about everywhere, so the alternative was to make a new unit.}
- {MyGetIndString returns a string that it gets from STR# 128 (hard-coded)}
- {by GetIndString.}
- function MyGetIndString (index: integer): Str255;
- var
- str: Str255;
- begin
- GetIndString(str, 128, index);
- MyGetIndString := str;
- end;
- end.